For those who used to come here regularly and read my various video game reviews and miss them, I offer these sincere apologies. The very moment Gamepro and EGM no longer needed me the old blog was deleted and this one created, and my next passion, science fiction books and authors became a part of my "I have nothing else to do with my couch potato life" fray. I’m quite proud of change, and although this is not a scifi blog per se (e.g., note the new title - My Mother Was A Trekkie!), my geeky reviews and interviews were second to none.
However, as the economy has been stagnating, to my displeasure, I find that the time required to do more book and video game reviews properly is painfully lacking. I'm now committed to it once per month, more or less for hobby. When I started, I used to review one title per week. Every Monday there was a new review. They weren’t great, mind you, but the reviews themselves were quite detailed. And it gave me a peek inside the industry. I’ve read many reviews over the years (that's how I became a reviewer), and few people scrutinize them the way my peers do at their respective magazines. Most readers look at them quickly and add a few comments. Only a few go further and dig through them and report on minute details. My college friends still do their own to this day and I admire their passion.
Nowadays, I find that I have fewer opportunities to display my opinions because of a lack of time and greater responsibilities. So for the most part, I keep my opinions to myself. This is not a situation I enjoy. So I ask of my readers who came to expect a review or interview every week to be patient with me. I want to get back in the game desperately. I really like video games. And I absolutely love science fiction. If you have any suggestions, comments, or words of support, please let me know. What I’ll do for now, is finish up the old and start on something new. Something I love.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Johnny Guerrero
Scifi Geek, Video Game Enthusiast, Toy Collector